The You Can Do It programme's main purpose is in identifying the social and emotional capabilities that all children need to acquire in order to be successful in school. It ensures their wellbeing, and encourages them to have positive relationships including making contributions to others and the community.
The You Can Do It programme was founded in Australia and teaches the children the 5 important foundations that support their academic, social and emotional well-being.
The 5 You Can Do It foundations are:
Organisation - learning the value of setting goals and managing time effectively.
Confidence - the habits of self-acceptance, risk taking, independence and optimism.
Persistence - understanding the importance of putting in effort and working tough.
Getting Along - tolerance of others, playing by the rules, being socially responsible and thinking first.
Emotional Resilience - learning how to stay calm in different situations, the importance of talking to someone else when you have a problem, being able to bounce back from a difficult experience and keeping things in perspective.